[ Topic Speech ]
Development of Special Containers

Development of Special Containers

Mr. William John Thomson  

Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Today I’m going to talk about the development of special containers. Firstly I will review the development of spec...

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Laurence Scofield  President of HKSG

Thank you very much. Today I’m going to talk about five mistakes the ship owners will tend to make in this situation of economic crisis.

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Trend of China Container Industry

Trend of China Container Industry

Mrs. Shi Yanqiu  Secretary-General of China Container Industry Association

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Today I’m goting to talk about China’s container development and China’s container cooperation with the internati...

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[ Three Parties Forum ]The Three-Party forum in the session The Market Trend of Container, Break Bulk, Oil Tanker and Special Container Transportation gathers 4 VIP panelists: Senior managers from COSCO, William John Thomson (Executive Chairman of InterBulk Group plc), Mr. Raffat Zaheer (IMMTA Country Representative for Pakistan), Ms. Shi Yanqiu (Secretary-General of China Container Industry Association) and Mr. Ahmed S.Ragab (Vice President of A.B. A). Mr. Laurence Scofield, President of HKSG, is the forum chairman.""
Grand Scenemore>>
钱永昌为大会题词 Mr. Qian Yongchang writes good wis
盛况空前的峰会现场 Grand GSS scene
专心听会的国外嘉宾 Foreign delegates listening carefu
Round-Table Conference
Round Table Conference for International Logistics Connection
In the afternoon of Nov. 9th, “Round Table Conference for International Logistics Connection” was held. Shipping companies, logistics companies and financial companies from China and abroad made face-to-face meeting to negotiate the cooperation intention and make business connection. Freight forwarders from Middle East, India, Pakistan and Africa told the journalists that they really are very satisfied with this GSS and their trip is very worthwhile.
Round table conference for port CEOs and financial&investment companies
 In the afternoon of Nov. 9th, Round Table Conference for Connection of Port CEOs and Capital & Investment Companies on the 3rd GSS held by Shippingchina.com was opened. Ports, logistics enterprises and investment enterprises from China and abroad made on-site business connection and performed face-to-face negotiation on how to solve the capital problem, how to find the demand intention and so on. Port of Lianyungang and Port of Tallinn have signed the friendly cooperation & understanding memo, and exchange the presents to show the friendship.