The 3rd GSS has attracted a great amount of report from over 80 media both in China and abroad. Those famous media include Xinhua News Agency, CCTV,Journal of Commerce, Dragon TV, PhoenixTV, ETTV, Emonomy Journal, International Business Daily, Enet,Liaoning TV, Dalian TV, Chinese Enterprisers Magazine, Chinese Transportation Newspaper and so on. The following are part of the reports from these renowned media.
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Cordial conversation between Mr. Kang Shuchun, CEO of and Mr. Qian Yongchang Cordial conversation between Mr. Kang Shuchun, CEO of and Mr. Qian Yongchang
Mrs.Mahin Faghfouri, President of IMMTA Mrs.Mahin Faghfouri, President of IMMTA
Opening scene of 3rd GSS Opening scene of 3rd GSS